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Source: KEYEASTTranslation: wonderrrgirl
Hello, this is KEYEAST.
This notice came as a result of the many enquiries made about Kim Hyun Joong’s 2012 Asia fan meet.
We will now address the concerns with regards to the current overseas ticketing for the Asia tour via the website.
At this moment , all plans with regards to the Asia fan meeting is in the midst of planning and is not yet confirmed or finalized. As a result, any advance booking of tickets may put one in a disadvantageous situation.
Keyeast is not responsible for the unofficial ticketing through the website, nor the disadvantageous position any fan may be placed in as a result of it. When the plans for the Asia Fanmeet are confirmed, Keyeast will release an official notice with detailed information via the official website.
Thank you.
김현중, 韓 야후와 손잡고 전 세계 팬들과 '소통'
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가수 김현중이 야후!와 손잡고 연예정보사이트 ‘야후! 설렙’을 통해 전 세계 팬들과 만난다.
야후! 셀렙은 미국의 야후! OMG의 국내 버전으로 국내외 연예 뉴스를 제공하는 엔터테인먼트 전문 사이트다.
야후! 셀렙 인터뷰의 첫 셀렙으로 선정된 김현중은 앞으로 이곳을 통해 차별화된 소식과 사진을 제공할뿐더러 첫 설렙 선정 기념 이벤트를 통해 팬들과 즐거운 추억을 만들 예정이다.
이에 야후! 코리아 관계자는 “김현중은 아시아 스타답게 3년 연속 ‘야후! 아시아버즈어워드’를 수상하는 면모를 보여 국내뿐만 아니라 해외에서도 영향력 있는 스타로 판단되어 첫 셀렙으로 선정하게 됐다”고 밝혔다.
한편, 김현중의 설렙 미션인터뷰는 지난 19일부터 해당 페이지를 통해 시작됐다.
(기사제보 및 보도자료 문의 : 더스타
가수 김현중이 야후!와 손잡고 연예정보사이트 ‘야후! 설렙’을 통해 전 세계 팬들과 만난다.
야후! 셀렙은 미국의 야후! OMG의 국내 버전으로 국내외 연예 뉴스를 제공하는 엔터테인먼트 전문 사이트다.
야후! 셀렙 인터뷰의 첫 셀렙으로 선정된 김현중은 앞으로 이곳을 통해 차별화된 소식과 사진을 제공할뿐더러 첫 설렙 선정 기념 이벤트를 통해 팬들과 즐거운 추억을 만들 예정이다.
이에 야후! 코리아 관계자는 “김현중은 아시아 스타답게 3년 연속 ‘야후! 아시아버즈어워드’를 수상하는 면모를 보여 국내뿐만 아니라 해외에서도 영향력 있는 스타로 판단되어 첫 셀렙으로 선정하게 됐다”고 밝혔다.
한편, 김현중의 설렙 미션인터뷰는 지난 19일부터 해당 페이지를 통해 시작됐다.
(기사제보 및 보도자료 문의 : 더스타
[Article] Kim Hyun Joong ROLE MODEL
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Kim Hyun Joong Endorsements:
Kim Hyun Joong back to flower boy image?? Will he be doing another Boys Over Flower drama?? Nope! The photo above was taken during his press conference in Japan a few days ago, as Hyun Joong flew in the morning and back to Korea in the evening. A press conference was held after he did some pictorial session and filming commercial ad for AEON. Hyun Joong was joined by another female model, as a video entry at twitter said “Warning: watch only if you can control your jealousy.” And then this news gave me a good laugh, to the caption that says “KHJ in bed scene”!!! Well, because AEON was promoting a bed linen or something, and there’s a scene of Hyun Joong sleeping with the female model!!. Check it out, but before you do so, might as well follow the warning!!!
As we all know Hyun Joong has been doing a lot of endorsements or commercial ads. We do buy glossy magazines, and we see many beautiful faces of both male and female commercial models. Along the shopping malls we do see big pictures of our favorite models and celebrities endorsing products of any kind from various reputable companies. These models and celebrities do earn good money from simple posing on pictorial sessions. But we do not have the least idea, what it takes to be a product endorser. I got the list of Hyun Joong’s endorsements from the time he started in the entertainment industry as follows:
Kim Hyun Joong Endorsements:
- Samsung Anycall Blue
- Mighty Mac
- Elite Uniform
- Lotte Milkshake
- Converse
- Samsung Anycall Haptic Pop
- T.I For Men
- Nongshim
- Le coq Sportif
- Samsung Anycall Jet
- Dinamic Kin (Coca Cola)
- Hotsun Chicken
- Samsung Card
- Basic Homes
- I’m David
- Tony Moly
- The Face Shop
- Hang Ten
- Coupang Spring Campaign
- Lotte Duty Free
- Aeon Heatfact (Japan)
- Aeon Coolish Fact (Japan)
- Seoul Ambassador to Tourism
- Slim Beauty House (Japan)
- March 2012 Honorary Ambassador of the United Nations Millennium Development
In one video interviews of Hyun Joong, he was asked what properties do you have? Hyun Joong thought about it, but it’s clear that the question was pertaining to ownership like piece of land, business entity, ect. Hyun Joong replied, “my property is my body”. This may be the least expected you could think for an answer, but he’s right. In reality, Hyun Joong has been earning through his physical outlook, his handsome face, his smooth clear skin, his perfect denture, his body built, his height, his hair style, and the totality of his personality. This is as far as commercial endorsement is concern. Not to mention his multiple talents being a singer, actor in being in the entertainment industry and his popularity boosting. All of these factors taken in one package is Hyun Joong’s personal property.
Commercial models do earn from their physical appearances, and so they do go to their extent of taking extra care of their body, Hyun Joong was very honest, and stated very bluntly, that he has a dermatologist whom he regularly visit for his skin care. This is one thing I like with this guy, many celebrities could hardly admits that they do have this routine skin care from their dermatologist. But Hyun Joong just say it as casual as if talking to his close friend!! And why not? I don’t see anything wrong with men taking extra care of their vanity. In his interview in Singapore for The Face Shop, he was asked if he had facial musk while boarding the plane on his way to Singapore, he was a bit surprised by the question, and so he replied “I was tired and too sleepy to apply for facial musk, so I put on my black glasses and hat!! But I do have facial musk the night before I do pictorials”.
A lot of celebrities would give you an impression that everything is natural to them. Come on!! You may have a perfect skin, but once you neglect caring for your skin it would soon tarnish!! And these people earns from their beautiful faces, I couldn’t understand why would they make people believe to something that is nearest to impossible. Even those celeb who denies having plastic surgery, oh they will deny it till death!! But Hyun Joong had his nose fixed and admitted to it so casually, that even Kang Hodong, the host of the show was surprised by his admitting that Hyun Joong had a childhood accident that hit his nose and had damaged, and he had it fixed. And so the talks about his plastic surgery eventually stopped. Hyun Joong’s just being true to himself, and people tends to like him more being himself as honest and straight forwarded.
Reputable companies are being meticulous in choosing celebrities who would endorse or represent their products. And it’s not only their physical outlook that they look for, they also considers the celebrity’s personal reputation. Well, we may think having their beautiful faces placed in big billboards that we see posted at the mall, busy city streets, and highway roads are just but that. Nope. The celebrity or endorser’s reputation is vital in representing their company product. Although there are endorsers who are not so good looking but their popularity can carry on in promoting a product
Celebrities who are doing commercial product endorsement tends to be more careful with their reputation. And Hyun Joong is no exception. They know very well that being entangled in one complicated controversy may bring them down, may lose good reputation being a product endorser. Or a lot of times the media just put up a malicious write up about a certain celeb can possibly destroy their reputation.
Hyun Joong never pretends to be someone he’s not just to give you a good impression about himself. No, that’s beyond his character, he’ll always stay as he himself regardless whether you would take him positively or negatively. Just like his manner of speaking, or his pronunciation which he admits that he’s having a bit of a problem. But come to think of it, every time he commits a mistake he’s just so cute and you would just laugh about it. Just like pronouncing the word Aeon, when he was in Japan last January to launch this ad, he was relating how he practiced saying Aeon properly with correct pronunciation and right intonation!
My point is, this might be so simple but Hyun Joong is just so open and friendly to be admitting his weak points. How many celebrities can be humble enough to publicly admit their short comings? Since celebs knows that people look up to them, and so some do tend to cover up their short comings. I’m telling you Hyun Joong is just one of a kind unique individual and the least you expect him to be by just looking at his physical outlook is just different inside him.
Hyun Joong will not let his fans or those who believes in him be blinded by his good traits, instead he will show you his true self in real life. In one talk show with Lee Sora she said, Hyun Joong had become more open about himself. As Hyun Joong replied that when he was still an idol, he would refrain from talking about drinking and about girls. Now that he’s a soloist, he has a better freedom to talk about girls and about his vices, as Hyun Joong loves drinking and had admitted it. Although he does this after his work as his way of unwinding, and after drinking, he simply sleeps!!
The title of this article is Role Model, which I’m pertaining to Kim Hyun Joong as a role model being a celebrity to other celebrities. Hyun Joong is an ideal celeb, first for his being modest all the time on and off cam, not a single air of arrogance can be seen in him. Second, his honesty, for being himself, never pretend to be somebody he’s not. Third, being always polite to everyone regardless of who they are, regardless of their age and social status, he treats everyone with respect. Fourth, He knows how to handle his fans by setting his boundary without being selfish of himself to share with his fans. Last, his being naturally helpful and sincerely cared for the less fortunate.
Many of celebrities just can’t keep their feet on the ground, some can be so much carried away by their fame and couldn’t look back from where they came from. As Hyun Joong would always say “I can’t be a star forever”, and he’s being realistic to what he’s saying. Fame is not a permanent thing, that he’s always aware of, and Hyun Joong can only do his best while he’s on stage. And he would always say, that when it’s time for his curtain to go down, he would gladly perform a concert for his fans for free, and would just be putting a can for donation to charity. Even the less fortunate is also in his dream on his last day.
Years ago, Hyun Joong was saying to his fans, “There will come a time you’ll get tired of me, there will be more new stars coming out to be more powerful than me”. He said this five years ago when he was still with his members. And so the time that he was saying finally came, yes it’s true, what he was saying was all true. There was indeed a more powerful star came out by the name Kim Hyun Joong, the kid who grew up to be a man, and a powerful star much better than the Kim Hyun Joong who spoke to you back in time.
If only all celebrities would have even half of his humble self, if only celebrities can be as modest as he is, and as caring, considerate, and sincere, then maybe there will be no controversies as other artists experience, then there should not be a single fan to be hurt while defending their idols out of the controversy. I’m not saying he didn’t experience being entangled to any controversy. But he did face all those controversies with all his courage and honesty. Did he lose anything? Nothing, because the truth had set him free. Hyun Joong had earned respect not only from his fans but from his co-artists too, for simply being himself with no pretenses.
Would you still be wondering to the fact that when you first met Hyun Joong, you were attracted to him, and while in the process of getting to know him better, you would still want to know more about him and before you know it you have fallen for him. It’s because Hyun Joong is beautiful and he’s more beautiful inside him.
Kim Hyun Joong is not a saint, but he will always be a role model….. by just being himself. LazerKim here writing.
キム・ヒョンジュン・中村アン 機能性製品「トップバリュ クーリッシュ ファクト2012」発表会に登場!
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(水)、イオン株式会社は、機能性インナーを始めとする「トップバリュー クーリッシュ ファク
今年の「トップバリュ クーリッシュ ファクト」のCMキャラクターには、「トップバリュ ヒートファクト」でも大好評の、俳優・歌手として活躍中の韓国の大人気アーティスト キム・ヒョンジュンとモデル・タレントとして活躍中の中村アンを引き続き起用、記者発表会に登壇されました。
イオンリテール株式会社 執行役員衣料商品本部長 飯田和行氏
飯田:イオンの「トップバリュ クーリッシュ ファクト」は、蒸し暑い夏をクールに快適に過ごしていただくために、「ファクト=事実」に基づく高機能ウェアを提供するコンセプトから、イオンが独自開発。2008年度から販売を開始した。毎年、お客様から多数の声をいただき参考にし毎年進化をさせ、昨年は1,000万枚の販売となった。お客様の節電やエコライフの意識は、これまでにも増して高まっており、昨年以降は新たなクールビズスタイルにあう商品がもっと必要、もっと商品のアイテムを増やして欲しいという声が多数寄せられた。今年は、商品の肌触りデザインを更に進化させ、アウターなどの衣料品、抱き枕などプラスの商品のラインアップを拡大し、業界最大の1,340品目の展開を予定している。CMにはキム・ヒョンジュン、中村アンを起用し、今年はクーリッシュファクト全商品で、合計2,550万枚の販売目標を掲げている。
Q:クーリッシュ ファクトの着心地は?
[article] Kim Hyun Joong Extra Thoughts
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By LazerKim:
Upon waking up in the morning and having Kim Hyun Joong in mind was the very first thing that popped out from my brain, just makes you feel great and energetic to start your day with a smile. I know, we all do miss him, but we fully understand well enough what he’s up to, we’re matured and considerate because we trust the guy who’s doing well right at this moment. It’s a nice Monday morning to start with work and putting a smile on your lips can even brighten up your day. Well, I’m happy to be back home and done with chopsticks and Japanese food!! Cheer up it’s Monday!!!
This morning as I woke up, check on my emails, and overnight, I got a bunch of comments from my comment box from everywhere different nationals which started my morning really great!! Because I felt the love from Hyun Joong’s fans to him. Many fans now do share their experiences about him, and that gives me inspiration and a lot of inputs that I can also share with you. In a basket of fruits, not all fruits are perfect, there’s always one or two which is not so good. And that happened to me this morning, not everything I read is always good.
But before I go on, may I suggest if in case you happen to have any suggestion addressing to KeyEast which would mean business pertaining to Hyun Joong, I think it would be better to come up straight to KeyEast have your suggestion written in black and white, and send it through email or snail mail. I think this is the most appropriate and professional way, rather than posting it! I believe KeyEast is a professional company and not a fly by night agent, that KeyEast management can easily respond to your suggestion in their most professional way.
And if we have any suggestions to Hyun Joong, I think it would be better to write your personal letter address it under KeyEast, as he appreciates it better rather than posting it! Come up straight to the person concern and state your piece. By this way, you will not be misunderstood by others who might read your suggestion or criticism, by post it!!.
I believe Hyun Joong is not a self centered artist, he’s a professional and would take your suggestion to be considered. For me, it just doesn’t appear good for a fan to be publicly criticizing her idol in a wrong way and in a wrong judgement of Hyun Joong. It hurts because I’m a fan, it makes me think that the writer of that post barely knows Hyun Joong. Because if she knows who Kim Hyun Joong is, I’m sure she’ll have the second thoughts of posting as such.

First 1st, The writer is a she, stated that it is not advisable for Hyun Joong to go for a world tour this year unless her suggestions are being followed. Hello!!!
My respond #1: KeyEast, I would consider a prestigious company, having a chain of various business entity, therefore I firmly believe KeyEast has a team of business strategist. Having said this, I don’t think KeyEast will dive in any business project without brain storming. Now I can tell you, I may have a small-scale of readers, but I can tell these articles had reached the following countries: Poland, France, Israel, Russian Federation, Canada, Romania, Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Morocco, Argentina, USA ect. not to mention Asian countries.
Please don’t misunderstand I don’t mean to brag about this, this would at least shows that Hyun Joong’s presence had already gone outside Asia. And most of these nationals do leave comments in my comment box and sends email letting me know from where they are. The actual daily scale is being recorded and reported at wordpress daily, which I have a scale of countries who has taken interest about Hyun Joong.
I myself was quite surprised, it may be in small-scale of readers but my point is, the name Kim Hyun Joong had already reached beyond Asia and mind you, USA ranked above other countries for the whole week. I would certainly believe this because there were high demand from US fans, a proposal for a visit from Hyun Joong in US. I got the scale report everyday on which country my articles go. And so I think KeyEast is right about their plans. Hyun Joong’s purpose is simply just to reach out for his fans in every part of world who are identified to be U;zoosin!! For what purpose would that visit be? To thank Hyun Joong’s every fan from everywhere, for the continuous success he has been gaining, through sharing his music.
Second 2nd, The writer stated her suggestion to KeyEast, “You have to put Hyun Joong to variety shows KeyEast”. (Demanding in bold letters!!)
My respond #2: I miss Hyun Joong so much as you do guys, but I’ll content myself on watching his old video clips than putting him on these shows. Are you aware of over exposed image can sometimes lead to deterioration of a celeb’s image? Because people had gone used to watching you over TV, there will no longer be that feeling of missing that celeb, and when he goes out for a concert to perform, do you think people would still buy ticket to watch him if I can watch him at least once a week for free? Of course doing drama is quite different.
If you’re a host of a regular show, I would certainly get tired of you, and besides, if I watch that show, it’s no longer him whom I would take interest, of course it has to be the guest of the show. This idea totally downgrading Hyun Joong’s talents, how can he develop his talent if he’ll just be standing as a show host?? I don’t want Hyun Joong to be included among the celebs that’s like being sold for as bargain items, I would like him to be at the section of one of a kind items with class rare item. I mean, I’m taking this out like a commodity as an example. To go guesting on these shows once in a while would be fine, but please, the guy has a natural touch of class.!! Let’s not ruin it just because we miss him.
Third 3rd, ”Image”…… The writer stated that Hyun Joong should find a consistent image and stick to it. “Music”………the writer said, Hyun Joong should find consistent music sound and stick to it. And that, in Hyun Joong’s image change there should be concerted effort, in short there should be agreement or maybe a consent from the public that Hyun Joong will change his image. Oh my God!!!
My respond #3: This idea about image and music is short of saying, let’s have pasta for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole week and months!! And the writer’s idea that there should be a concerted (mutual agreement) effort with the public that Hyun Joong is going to change image from now on!!! Come on!!
Let’s face a little reality here. Any part of Hyun Joong’s body is his private ownership, including his clothes it’s his property, it’s his life. I think this writer had gone overboard being a fan. Why should a celeb notify the public that he’s gonna cut his hair, he’s gonna change color of his hair ect before doing so? What right do you have to even suggest it to Hyun Joong??? Hyun Joong is not anyone’s property, his whole being completely belongs to him alone. This is the first time for me to hear that a celeb should ask permission from his fan that he’s gonna cut his hair!!! Are you Hyun Joong’s wife to reprimand?? He’s still single and uncommitted!! May I just clear that matter. Nobody owns Hyun Joong.
Fourth 4th, The writer said, Hyun Joong’s likability slowly eroded after the reality show he did entitled We’re Getting Married. His image seem “manufactured”…not even sure of what his direction is.
My respond #4: Everyone knows that right after WGM, Hyun Joong did Boys Over Flower and from here on Hyun Joong’s popularity started boosting until at present. What was she talking about?? My apology, but I think the writer barely knows Hyun Joong. KeyEast had already layout their plans for Hyun Joong this year, I think we do understand Hyun Joong’s career direction, if you have read my article Back to Studio, everything was written there. The writer also mentioned about Hyun Joong’s acting ability. I’ll leave that part since Hyun Joong is currently on regular training with his acting couch.
Fifth #5: The writer said, Hyun Joong’s songs are only favorites of Hyun Joong’s fans. It hadn’t made much of an impact with the general public.
My respond #5: I hate it whenever she writes “general public”, as if the writer is the representative of the general public to speak for them!!! This is just not fair. Where’s Hyun Joong’s Bags of Awards!! Isn’t it the entry of Hyun Joong at MAMA was Breakdown, his first album? It was in this album that Hyun Joong attained recognition, being awarded as Best Male Solo Performer for 2011. He was able to receive three trophies for Breakdown at any weekly music chart, and this music piece was at top rank no.1 at any music billboard chart when it was released.
Another thing, Hyun Joong was being compared to some celebrities hosting variety shows success. I researched on this particular celeb mentioned, this host had been sitting there for eight years as solo artist. Hyun Joong debuted in June 2011 as solo singer, he barely had just started. Hyun Joong even did a better start since he was awarded immediately after his debut as solo artist. The difference is too wide to compare in terms of experience as soloist.
A TV drama for this celeb host last for two or three months, so what would he do if he doesn’t have a project, go hosting!! But Hyun Joong is a multiple talented artist, why would he resort on TV hosting? Artist who doesn’t have much project offers, simply content themselves with simple job as hosting. This job is a fall back for other celeb, who doesn’t have much project offers. But Hyun Joong is different. Hyun Joong has a dream, he doesn’t need to earn more than he gets. Those artists may just be contented with their ability, but not Hyun Joong, he aims to develop himself.
I honestly had a very good morning today, but after reading that post, my morning just fell apart!!! Aigoo!!! May I beg your indulgence my dear regular readers, please just allow me to say this for once and for all, addressing to that writer. Before I did all my articles or before I attempted to write, it took me some months to research all about Hyun Joong. To the extent of putting myself into his shoes so that I can understand him not only as an artist but as a person in reality.
I admit I may not know everything about him, yes, but I think I knew enough to be called a fan of Kim Hyun Joong. But before I write I would make sure at least not to leave my readers hanging questions in their minds. Or if I did, I would go on with my research and find answers. I actually did this, when I wrote Fans and Idol, I left my readers doubtful, but I found the answers and I’m going back to that article to answer, the article entitled Hassle Fans.
Why am I writing this article, First, I have considered other fans who might shared the same opinion as this writer. Second, as I mentioned earlier it doesn’t look nice at all, for a fan to be criticizing her idol publicly. As a loyal fan you know how it hurts whenever Hyun Joong is being unjustly criticized, what more coming from a fan who just carelessly post her criticism to Hyun Joong. It’s her opinion that we have to respect, fine. But let’s put our opinion to its right place and in a proper mannered way, that may reflect to our personality.
Third, I would just like to clear it out, suggestions should be address to the person concern, I just find it unprofessional if I would make suggestions to a reputable company and just post it anywhere. I feel it’s disrespectful. Internet is good if being used wisely, not because we are given space and freedom to speak out, there’s a better way of doing that specially in terms of business, through email is the best, but definitely not in a post it.!!
I think I still have to go on writing more about who Kim Hyun Joong is. I just feel hurt for him every time he’s being criticized specially from a fan. And I honestly hope Hyun Joong won’t be able to read that blog entry, oh it’s good he can’t read English!! Or in case he would, at least reading from this article would let him know that we’re defending him from whoever criticizes him. Hyun Joong had already trusted us just as much as we trust him. I’m not saying let’s go blind about Hyun Joong’s short comings, definitely not. But we all know him, we know his weak points yet we still embrace him all our hearts, that’s why it hurts. I felt bad this day, because I wasn’t expecting anything like this from a fan.
I remember, last night I was reading an experience from a fan who cried out because she was worried she won’t be able to see Hyun Joong in his fan meeting, but another fan spared her a ticket so as to be able to enter the venue. You can read her experience in my article Hello Critics. I was so touched by her story, and this morning I was happy because one of the fan made a marathon reading over my articles about six articles I think, and she left comments on every article she read, that can be shared with others too. I just love doing this because we learn from each other in a friendly atmosphere. It’s just not being a fan as the essence of my articles but what we can learn from Hyun Joong and his other fans. And then I end up reading a post that……….I don’t know.
I certainly hope that writer would be able to read this article and I hope she’ll be enlightened by what she had missed to understand being a fan of Hyun Joong, and understanding Hyun Joong as an artist who has a dream, and person who’s very loving and considerate. I don’t know I just feel so shameful. You know, Hyun Joong is just so nice to be criticized. Oh yes, in fairness, she said she’s just concern with Hyun Joong. I would agree but the concern is over killing in a wrong way I think.
There are better ways of showing concern, if only she had directly address her sentiments to the people concern. At the same time, I get worried if other new fans would come to read that blog, the first question in her mind would be, if you’re a fan of Hyun Joong, why do you criticize him, what else are you doing in front of him, if you can’t take him for what he is. So there’s an immediate negative reaction. And if media picks it up, well, we have a long journey to defend Hyun Joong.
These are the consequences that, that blog may create, that’s why I get worried, hurt, angry. I just hope others realize, that once we open our lips we have to think first. This was why I trash my prior article before this. Because being angry can only make anyone a loser and I don’t want that. Hyun Joong is always a winner, and so we are. They said sometimes when you get hurt, you come to realize how much you cared. And so this explains why we the loyal fans of Hyun Joong feel the pain whenever he’s being attacked. I can take a bullet of criticism so as not to hurt him. Let’s give some extra thoughts for Hyun Joong’s sake.
Kim Hyun Joong is awake looking forward for another day with us in his heart…….. LazerKim here writing
[Eng-Thai] KHJ’s Interview for Hanako
An iconic flower boy of “Boys Over Flowers” and “Playful Kiss”

An iconic flower boy of “Boys Over Flowers” and “Playful Kiss”
Japanese-Eng: @lafone0606
Eng-Thai: @HeneciaThailand via
Mag scan: Elley
ในที่สุดคิมฮยอนจุงก็ได้ฤกษ์มาเดบิวต์ในญี่ปุ่นเสียที! ในฐานะศิลปินและนักแสดง ความโด่งดังของคิมฮยอนจุงทั่วเอเชียนั้นโดดเด่นมากพอๆ กับเส้นทางสายอาชีพของเขา โดยที่เขาเพิ่งเริ่มการโปรโมทในญี่ปุ่นอย่างเต็มกำลัง
ตามอิมเมจของเพลงแล้ว เขาจะแสดงให้เราเห็นหลายๆ ด้านในตัว ด้วยผมที่ย้อมเป็นสีบลอนด์และหุ่นผอมเพรียว วันนี้ฮยอนจุงดูกลายเป็นชายหนุ่มที่โตเต็มตัว พร้อมมาดนุ่มๆ คูลๆในเวลาเดียวกัน

Q: คุณเพิ่งเริ่มโปรโมทในญี่ปุ่นแบบเต็มรูปแบบ ตอนนี้รู้สึกอย่างไรบ้าง
KHJ: พอทราบว่าซีดีของผมขายหมดเกลี้ยงในบางร้านในวันที่อัลบั้มวางแผง ผมก็รู้สึกดีใจมากๆ ครับ ผมจะตั้งใจทำงานหนักเพื่อตอบแทนความรักที่แฟนมอบให้กับผม
Q: คุณเป็นศิลปินเกาหลีอันดับ 1 ทั้งในแง่ความโด่งดังแล้วก็งาน แล้วการมาเดบิวท์ของคุณในญี่ปุ่นก็ได้รับความสนใจมาก รู้สึกกดดันบ้างไหม
KHJ: ผมไม่เคยคิดว่าตัวเองเป็นหมายเลขหนึ่ง ผมแค่พยายามหาความสนุกในทุกงานที่ทำ ผมจะตั้งใจฝึกฝนพื่อจะได้มอบเสียงเพลงที่ทำให้ทุกคนมีความสุขได้ ผมชอบที่จะอยู่บนเวทีแสดงสดมากกว่าจะมารุ้สึกกดดันนะครับ ผมเองก็เริ่มกังวลหน่อยๆ เหมือนกันว่าตัวเองไม่เคยรู้สึกถึงแรงกดดันอะไรเลย
คิมฮยอนจุงพูดคุยพร้อมรอยยิ้มนุ่มๆ และมีความเป็นตัวของตัวเองแบบหลุดโลกแฝงไว้อยู่ เขาคือเจ้าชายตัวจริงแห่งโลกยุคใหม่จริงๆ
KHJ: ดูเหมือนผมจะมีอิมเมจที่ดูอ่อนโยน นุ่มนวล นั่นเป็นเพราะบทที่ผมได้รับในละคร แต่จริงๆ ผมแมนนะครับ แทนที่จะใช้เวลาอยู่แต่ในบ้าน ผมชอบออกไปเตะบอลข้างนอก
* ซิงเกิ้ลแรกที่ปล่อยออกมาสื่อถึงเสน่ห์ที่หลากหลายด้านของคิมฮยอนจุง
KHJ: “Kiss Kiss” เป็นเพลงที่เฟรนด์ลี่ และมีท่าเต้นง่าย ทกคนสามารถทำความคุ้นเคยกับเพลงได้ง่าย ส่วนเพลง Lucky Guy จะเป็นคอนเซ็ปต์เพลย์บอยและมีจังหวะที่จะทำให้คนรู้สึกอยากลุกขึ้นมาเต้น เป็นเพลงที่เหมาะกับฟังช่วงฤดูใบไม้ผลิ ส่วนคิสคิสเหมาะกับฤดูหนาวจะได้มาทำให้ทุกคนรู้สึกอบอุ่นในหัวใจ
* เป็นเรื่องน่าทึ่งมากที่ฮยอนจุงพูดคุยด้วยกิริยามารยาทที่อ่อนหวาน และดูเหมือนเขาไม่ต้องพยายามเลย
Q: คุณคิดถึงอะไรเวลาร้องเพลงรัก
KHJ: ผมคิดถึงคนที่ผมรัก อาจจะเป็นแฟนเพลง หรือใครบางคน เพราะประสบการณ์จากการเล่นละคร ตอนนี้ผมสามารถควบคุมอารมณ์และความรู้สึกได้อย่างรวดเร็ว
* แต่ละคำพูดที่ฮยอนจุงสื่อออกมาล้วนแต่มีความหมาย!
5 คำที่ควรรู้เกี่ยวกับคิมฮยอนจุง
1/ งาน: ในฐานะศิลปิน ผมจะไขว่คว้าให้ได้มาในสิ่งที่ผมอยากจะทำ แต่ในฐานะนักแสดง ผมอยากแสดงให้เห็นถึงสิ่งที่คุณคาดหวังในตัวผม ในอนาคตอันใกล้ ผมอาจจะสามารถแสดงภาพลักษณ์ที่ต่างไปให้ทุกคนดู จะมีความเป็นแมนมากขึ้น
2/ ความฝัน: ความฝันเป็นสิ่งที่สร้างแรงกระตุ้นให้กับผม ผมไม่มีเป้าหมายสุดท้ายที่ชัดเจนหรืออะไรหรอกนะครับ แต่ความฝันของผมคือสร้างดนตรีและงานแสดงไปด้วยกันกับแฟนๆ
3/ สุนัข: ผมชอบหมา และผมก็สื่อสารกับมันได้ ผมให้หมาของผมไปฝึกทำท่า “ขอมือ” แล้วก็ “ปังๆๆ” (แกล้งตาย) ต่อหน้าแฟนๆ มันทำได้ดีมากๆ เลย สงสัยเจ้าหมาต้องรู้สึกว่ามันกำลังเสี่ยงชีวิตอยู่แน่ๆ ^^
4/ ภาษาญี่ปุ่น: ผมเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นอาทิตย์ละสองครั้ง ครั้งละสองชั่วโมง ตอนนี้ผมสามารถเข้าใจภาษาญี่ปุ่นได้ 80% แล้ว ครั้งหน้าเมื่อผมกลับมาญี่ปุ่น ผมจะพูดญี่ปุ่นครับ
คำศัพท์ที่เพิ่งเรียนไปก็มี “สิ้นหวัง” “ยาก” “อาเกโปโย” (เป็นสแลงในหมู่นักเรียนหญิงที่ใช้ในการพิมพ์ข้อความบนโทรศัพท์) แปลว่า ความรู้สึกไฮ (ประมาณ ฟินสุดๆ ของเราอ่ะค่ะ) หรือตื่นเต้น (ฮยอนจุงพูดถึงตำนี้ในรายการทีวี ทำให้แฟนฮากันใหญ่)
5) แฟนคลับ: แม้จะเป็นหน้าใหม่ในญี่ปุ่น แต่ผมก็รู้สึกว่าการที่ผมมีแฟนๆ ในญี่ปุ่นทำให้ผมรู้สึกมั่นใจขึ้น ผมหวังว่าพวกเขาจะให้การสนับสนุนและความรักกับผม รวมถึงงานของผมในฐานะนักร้องและนักแสดงด้วยนะครับ
KIM HYUN JOONG has eventually made his debut in Japan! As artist and actor, the popularity of Kim Hyun Joong in all over Asia is outstanding as well as his career. He has just started his full-scale activities in Japan.
Kim Hyun Joong thinks of someone he loves while singing love songs
According to the image of songs, he shows us different sides of himself. With dying his hair dark blonde and a slender figure, he looked like a matured man today, being tender and cool at the same time.
Q: You have just started a full-scale promotion as artist in Japan. How do you feel now?
KHJ: Having heard that my CDs were sold out in some of the stores on the day of release, I was very very happy. I would like to work harder to repay the love I receive from the fans.
Q: You are the No.1 artist in Korea in terms of both of popularity and career. So, your debut attracted much attention in Japan. Any pressure on you ?
KHJ: I have never thought of myself as No.1. I just try to find fun in my work. I will continue to practice so that I can deliver music which everyone can enjoy. I’d rather enjoy live stage than being under pressure. I have a slight concern about myself as I don’t feel any pressure at all.
* He talks with a gentle smile and a touch of natural dementia. A real prince of a new generation.
KHJ: It seems that I have an image of gentle character thanks to the roles I took in dramas, but actually, I am mannifish in behavior. Instead of spending time in a house, I prefer to play soccer outside.
* The debut single album is full of his various attractiveness.
KHJ: “Kiss Kiss is a friendly style song with easy choreography. Everyone feels familiar with this song. “Lucky Guy” has a playboy concept in one side. The rhythm of Lucky Guy makes people feel an itch for moving their body. So it is good to listen to in spring season. Just warm your heart with Kiss Kiss in winter.
* It is amazing that he easily talks in such a sweet manner.
Q: What do you think of while singing love songs?
KHJ: I think of someone I love; it may be fans, or someone else. Thanks to the experiences as actor, I can quickly control my feeling now.
* He uttered a word full of meaning!
Five Keywords to know more about Kim Hyun Joong
1/ Work: As artist, I will pursue what I would like to do. But as actor,
I will show you what you expect me. In the near future, I may be able to show a different image of myself, a much masculine style.
2/ Dream: Dream is motivation for me. I don’t have a clear-cut image of the final goal, but it is my dream to create music or act together with fans.
3/ Dogs: I like dogs. I can communicate with dogs. I had my dogs perform “give hands” and “Bang” in front of the fans (* He talked about the Seoul Fan Meeting). He performed very well; he may have felt as if he had risked his life^^
4/ Japanese Language
I take two-hour lesson twice every week. Actually I understand 80% of Japanese. The next time I visit Japan, I will speak in Japanese.
The word I recently learned are “desperate”, “ hard “, and “ Agepoyo ( a slang used among high school girls via mobile, which means “ highly lifted feeling, Excitement “. (* Hyun Joong referred to this word, “agepoyo” in TV, triggering an explosion of laughter in the audience, a glimpse of his 4D ness^^)
5/ Fans: Inspite of a newcomer in Japan, the existence of fans makes me feel much confident. I hope that they will continue to give love and support to me and my activities as singer and actor.
An iconic flower boy of “Boys Over Flowers” and “Playful Kiss”

An iconic flower boy of “Boys Over Flowers” and “Playful Kiss”
Japanese-Eng: @lafone0606
Eng-Thai: @HeneciaThailand via
Mag scan: Elley
ในที่สุดคิมฮยอนจุงก็ได้ฤกษ์มาเดบิวต์ในญี่ปุ่นเสียที! ในฐานะศิลปินและนักแสดง ความโด่งดังของคิมฮยอนจุงทั่วเอเชียนั้นโดดเด่นมากพอๆ กับเส้นทางสายอาชีพของเขา โดยที่เขาเพิ่งเริ่มการโปรโมทในญี่ปุ่นอย่างเต็มกำลัง
ตามอิมเมจของเพลงแล้ว เขาจะแสดงให้เราเห็นหลายๆ ด้านในตัว ด้วยผมที่ย้อมเป็นสีบลอนด์และหุ่นผอมเพรียว วันนี้ฮยอนจุงดูกลายเป็นชายหนุ่มที่โตเต็มตัว พร้อมมาดนุ่มๆ คูลๆในเวลาเดียวกัน

Q: คุณเพิ่งเริ่มโปรโมทในญี่ปุ่นแบบเต็มรูปแบบ ตอนนี้รู้สึกอย่างไรบ้าง
KHJ: พอทราบว่าซีดีของผมขายหมดเกลี้ยงในบางร้านในวันที่อัลบั้มวางแผง ผมก็รู้สึกดีใจมากๆ ครับ ผมจะตั้งใจทำงานหนักเพื่อตอบแทนความรักที่แฟนมอบให้กับผม
Q: คุณเป็นศิลปินเกาหลีอันดับ 1 ทั้งในแง่ความโด่งดังแล้วก็งาน แล้วการมาเดบิวท์ของคุณในญี่ปุ่นก็ได้รับความสนใจมาก รู้สึกกดดันบ้างไหม
KHJ: ผมไม่เคยคิดว่าตัวเองเป็นหมายเลขหนึ่ง ผมแค่พยายามหาความสนุกในทุกงานที่ทำ ผมจะตั้งใจฝึกฝนพื่อจะได้มอบเสียงเพลงที่ทำให้ทุกคนมีความสุขได้ ผมชอบที่จะอยู่บนเวทีแสดงสดมากกว่าจะมารุ้สึกกดดันนะครับ ผมเองก็เริ่มกังวลหน่อยๆ เหมือนกันว่าตัวเองไม่เคยรู้สึกถึงแรงกดดันอะไรเลย
คิมฮยอนจุงพูดคุยพร้อมรอยยิ้มนุ่มๆ และมีความเป็นตัวของตัวเองแบบหลุดโลกแฝงไว้อยู่ เขาคือเจ้าชายตัวจริงแห่งโลกยุคใหม่จริงๆ
KHJ: ดูเหมือนผมจะมีอิมเมจที่ดูอ่อนโยน นุ่มนวล นั่นเป็นเพราะบทที่ผมได้รับในละคร แต่จริงๆ ผมแมนนะครับ แทนที่จะใช้เวลาอยู่แต่ในบ้าน ผมชอบออกไปเตะบอลข้างนอก
* ซิงเกิ้ลแรกที่ปล่อยออกมาสื่อถึงเสน่ห์ที่หลากหลายด้านของคิมฮยอนจุง
KHJ: “Kiss Kiss” เป็นเพลงที่เฟรนด์ลี่ และมีท่าเต้นง่าย ทกคนสามารถทำความคุ้นเคยกับเพลงได้ง่าย ส่วนเพลง Lucky Guy จะเป็นคอนเซ็ปต์เพลย์บอยและมีจังหวะที่จะทำให้คนรู้สึกอยากลุกขึ้นมาเต้น เป็นเพลงที่เหมาะกับฟังช่วงฤดูใบไม้ผลิ ส่วนคิสคิสเหมาะกับฤดูหนาวจะได้มาทำให้ทุกคนรู้สึกอบอุ่นในหัวใจ
* เป็นเรื่องน่าทึ่งมากที่ฮยอนจุงพูดคุยด้วยกิริยามารยาทที่อ่อนหวาน และดูเหมือนเขาไม่ต้องพยายามเลย
Q: คุณคิดถึงอะไรเวลาร้องเพลงรัก
KHJ: ผมคิดถึงคนที่ผมรัก อาจจะเป็นแฟนเพลง หรือใครบางคน เพราะประสบการณ์จากการเล่นละคร ตอนนี้ผมสามารถควบคุมอารมณ์และความรู้สึกได้อย่างรวดเร็ว
* แต่ละคำพูดที่ฮยอนจุงสื่อออกมาล้วนแต่มีความหมาย!
5 คำที่ควรรู้เกี่ยวกับคิมฮยอนจุง
1/ งาน: ในฐานะศิลปิน ผมจะไขว่คว้าให้ได้มาในสิ่งที่ผมอยากจะทำ แต่ในฐานะนักแสดง ผมอยากแสดงให้เห็นถึงสิ่งที่คุณคาดหวังในตัวผม ในอนาคตอันใกล้ ผมอาจจะสามารถแสดงภาพลักษณ์ที่ต่างไปให้ทุกคนดู จะมีความเป็นแมนมากขึ้น
2/ ความฝัน: ความฝันเป็นสิ่งที่สร้างแรงกระตุ้นให้กับผม ผมไม่มีเป้าหมายสุดท้ายที่ชัดเจนหรืออะไรหรอกนะครับ แต่ความฝันของผมคือสร้างดนตรีและงานแสดงไปด้วยกันกับแฟนๆ
3/ สุนัข: ผมชอบหมา และผมก็สื่อสารกับมันได้ ผมให้หมาของผมไปฝึกทำท่า “ขอมือ” แล้วก็ “ปังๆๆ” (แกล้งตาย) ต่อหน้าแฟนๆ มันทำได้ดีมากๆ เลย สงสัยเจ้าหมาต้องรู้สึกว่ามันกำลังเสี่ยงชีวิตอยู่แน่ๆ ^^
4/ ภาษาญี่ปุ่น: ผมเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นอาทิตย์ละสองครั้ง ครั้งละสองชั่วโมง ตอนนี้ผมสามารถเข้าใจภาษาญี่ปุ่นได้ 80% แล้ว ครั้งหน้าเมื่อผมกลับมาญี่ปุ่น ผมจะพูดญี่ปุ่นครับ
คำศัพท์ที่เพิ่งเรียนไปก็มี “สิ้นหวัง” “ยาก” “อาเกโปโย” (เป็นสแลงในหมู่นักเรียนหญิงที่ใช้ในการพิมพ์ข้อความบนโทรศัพท์) แปลว่า ความรู้สึกไฮ (ประมาณ ฟินสุดๆ ของเราอ่ะค่ะ) หรือตื่นเต้น (ฮยอนจุงพูดถึงตำนี้ในรายการทีวี ทำให้แฟนฮากันใหญ่)
5) แฟนคลับ: แม้จะเป็นหน้าใหม่ในญี่ปุ่น แต่ผมก็รู้สึกว่าการที่ผมมีแฟนๆ ในญี่ปุ่นทำให้ผมรู้สึกมั่นใจขึ้น ผมหวังว่าพวกเขาจะให้การสนับสนุนและความรักกับผม รวมถึงงานของผมในฐานะนักร้องและนักแสดงด้วยนะครับ
KIM HYUN JOONG has eventually made his debut in Japan! As artist and actor, the popularity of Kim Hyun Joong in all over Asia is outstanding as well as his career. He has just started his full-scale activities in Japan.
Kim Hyun Joong thinks of someone he loves while singing love songs
According to the image of songs, he shows us different sides of himself. With dying his hair dark blonde and a slender figure, he looked like a matured man today, being tender and cool at the same time.
Q: You have just started a full-scale promotion as artist in Japan. How do you feel now?
KHJ: Having heard that my CDs were sold out in some of the stores on the day of release, I was very very happy. I would like to work harder to repay the love I receive from the fans.
Q: You are the No.1 artist in Korea in terms of both of popularity and career. So, your debut attracted much attention in Japan. Any pressure on you ?
KHJ: I have never thought of myself as No.1. I just try to find fun in my work. I will continue to practice so that I can deliver music which everyone can enjoy. I’d rather enjoy live stage than being under pressure. I have a slight concern about myself as I don’t feel any pressure at all.
* He talks with a gentle smile and a touch of natural dementia. A real prince of a new generation.
KHJ: It seems that I have an image of gentle character thanks to the roles I took in dramas, but actually, I am mannifish in behavior. Instead of spending time in a house, I prefer to play soccer outside.
* The debut single album is full of his various attractiveness.
KHJ: “Kiss Kiss is a friendly style song with easy choreography. Everyone feels familiar with this song. “Lucky Guy” has a playboy concept in one side. The rhythm of Lucky Guy makes people feel an itch for moving their body. So it is good to listen to in spring season. Just warm your heart with Kiss Kiss in winter.
* It is amazing that he easily talks in such a sweet manner.
Q: What do you think of while singing love songs?
KHJ: I think of someone I love; it may be fans, or someone else. Thanks to the experiences as actor, I can quickly control my feeling now.
* He uttered a word full of meaning!
Five Keywords to know more about Kim Hyun Joong
1/ Work: As artist, I will pursue what I would like to do. But as actor,
I will show you what you expect me. In the near future, I may be able to show a different image of myself, a much masculine style.
2/ Dream: Dream is motivation for me. I don’t have a clear-cut image of the final goal, but it is my dream to create music or act together with fans.
3/ Dogs: I like dogs. I can communicate with dogs. I had my dogs perform “give hands” and “Bang” in front of the fans (* He talked about the Seoul Fan Meeting). He performed very well; he may have felt as if he had risked his life^^
4/ Japanese Language
I take two-hour lesson twice every week. Actually I understand 80% of Japanese. The next time I visit Japan, I will speak in Japanese.
The word I recently learned are “desperate”, “ hard “, and “ Agepoyo ( a slang used among high school girls via mobile, which means “ highly lifted feeling, Excitement “. (* Hyun Joong referred to this word, “agepoyo” in TV, triggering an explosion of laughter in the audience, a glimpse of his 4D ness^^)
5/ Fans: Inspite of a newcomer in Japan, the existence of fans makes me feel much confident. I hope that they will continue to give love and support to me and my activities as singer and actor.
[Eng-Thai] KHJ’s Interview in Choa Magazine Issue No. 8 / Feb 2012
Jap-Eng: lafone0606
Eng-Thai: HeneciaThailand
Magazine scan: Ahlia
Note: Scroll down for English translation ^^


Q: ความแตกต่างระหว่างเพลง Kiss Kiss เวอร์ชั่นเกาหลีกับญี่ปุ่น
KHJ: เนื้อเพลงสื่อความหมายแบบเดียวกันครับ แต่ควาามแตกต่างอยู่ที่การเรียบเรียงเพลง เวอร์ชั่น
ญี่ปุ่นต้องการให้ฟังง่ายๆ เบาๆ สำหรับแฟนญี่ปุ่น เพราะเมื่อผมมาโปรโมทที่ญี่ปุ่น ผมคิดว่าคงดีถ้าจะทำเพลงที่มีส่วนประกอบที่แฟนเพลงชาวญี่ปุ่นคุ้นเคยบ้าง เช่น เจ ป๊อป
Q: ภาพและคอนเซ็ปต์ของหน้าปกอัลบั้มทั้งสามเวอร์ขั่นให้ความรู้สึกที่แตกต่างไปจากเวอร์ชั่นเกาหลี
KHJ: ผมอยากจะสื่อถึงคอนเซ็ปต์สามแนวคิดที่ต่างกัน อย่าง ความรู้สึกที่นุ่มนวล เซ็กซี่และความมีเสน่ห์ แต่มันค่อนข้างใช้เวลามาก จริงๆ แล้วเรามีเสื้อผ้าที่ถ่ายทั้งหมดเก้าชุดด้วยกัน แต่น่าเสียดายที่ไม่สามารถเอามาโชว์ได้ทั้งหมด ผมอยากจะเอารูปมาโพสต์บนเน็ท (แต่ก็ทำไม่ได้) โดยส่วนตัวแล้วผมชอบคอนเซ็ปต์เซ็กซี่ที่สุดที่เป็นชุดสูทสีแดง เพราะปรกติแล้วผมไม่ค่อยมีโอกาสได้ใส่ชุดสีแดง
Q: Kiss Kiss เป็นเรื่องราวของการได้เจอกับผู้หญิงในฝัน ช่วงนี้คุณได้มีประสบการณ์เจอกับผู้หญิงที่โชคชะตากำหนดมาให้หรือยัง
KHJ: ผมรู้สึกว่าได้เจอแล้วนะครับ ผมมีโอกาสได้พบกับหญิงสาวที่ผมรู้สึกหลงใหลมานานแล้ว รู้สึกแปลกๆ นะครับที่สิ่งนี้เกิดขึ้นกับผม…เธอเป็นคนเกาหลีครับ (จุงพูดเป็นญี่ปุ่นนะคะ)
Q: เพลง “Power of Smile” สื่อถึงความตั้งใจอย่างแรงกล้าในขณะเดียวกันต้องสื่ออารมณ์ที่นุ่มนวลด้วย มีส่วนไหนที่ทำให้คุณรู้สึกเห็นใจมากไหม
KHJ: ผมร้องเพลงนี้และก็คิดถึงแฟนๆ ที่กำลังโศกเศร้า ผมคิดว่าสิ่งที่ผมสามารถมอบให้ได้คือเพลงของผม แม้ว่าจะรู้ว่าเพลงไม่สามารถที่จะทำให้พวกเขาหายเศร้าได้ทั้งหมด แต่ผมก็อยากจะทำอะไรบ้างเพื่อคลายความเศร้าได้
Q: ช่วงนี้เจอเรื่องอะไรแปลกๆ หรือเปล่า
KHJ: เสื้อผ้าของผมหายไปทีละชิ้นสองชิ้น แม้ว่าจะมีกล้องวงจรปิด แต่เราก็หาไม่ได้ว่าใครเป็นคนหยิบไป เพราะในกล้องไม่มีใครเลย! ไม่เพียงแต่เสื้อผ้านะฮะ นาฟิกาของผมก็หายไปทีละเรือน
Q: มีช่วงเวลาตอนไหนในญี่ปุ่นที่คุณไม่สามารถลืมได้ไหม
KHJ: ตอนที่ผมมาญี่ปุ่นครั้งแรก ผมอ่านภาษาญี่ปุ่นไม่ได้เลย ก็เลยเข้าใจผิดจำสับสนระหว่างยาทาแก้น้ำกัดเท้า(ของพวกนักกีฬาใช้กัน เหมือนจุงคงต้องใส่รองเท้าเต้นเป็นเวลานานๆ) กับยาสีฟันอ่ะฮะ (หัวเราะ) ผมยังเอาครีมทาผิวมาใช้สลับกับครีมนวดผมด้วย หนึ่งในยาที่บรรดาแฟนๆ เอามาให้คือยาทาแก้น้ำกัดเท้าซึ่งบังเอิญไปอยู่ในห้องน้ำ ผมถึงได้เข้าใจผิดอ่ะฮะ หนึ่งในสมาชิกวง SS501 ยังคงเอายาทาแก้น้ำกัดเท้มาใช้แทนยาสีฟันอยู่ เขาก็เลยมีเลือดออกที่เหงือก แต่ผมว่าเหงือกของผมคงแข็งแรง ก็เลยไม่เป็นอะไร ^^


Q : What are the difference between KissKiss Korean and Japanese versions ?
KHJ: The lyrics deliver the same message. The difference is a way of mixing. Japanese version is aimed easy and confortable for Japanese people. If I promote myself in Japan, I thought that it would be nice to add factors which they feel familiar with as a J-POP.
Q : The image and concept of the three album jackets gives different impression from
those of Korean versions.
KHJ : I wanted to show three concepts, i.e., tender , sexy, and charisuma. However, it took a considerable time. Actually, there were nine sets (9 pieces of clothes ). It was a pity that I could not show you all of them. If only I could have disclosed those pictures on the net. Personally, I like the best, the sexy look dressed in red. Usually I don’t have a chance to put on something red.
Q : KissKiss is a story of an encounter with the woman of dream. Have you recently met a girl you felt a woman of your destiny ?
KHJ: I feel I had. I had an opportunity to meet with the lady whom I had been having affection for a long time. I feel strange that it happened to me…. It was a Korean girl (he said in Japanese)
Q: “Power of Smile” expresses a very strong determination while being tender. Any points you feel sympathy with this song?
KHJ : When I recorded this song, there occurred many disasters in Japan. While thinking of those fans in their sorrow, I sang this song for them. I thought that what I could deliver to them was my song. I know that a song cannot cheer them up completely, but I just wanted to do something to soothe their sadness.
Q: Any strange happenings you have recently experienced.
KHJ: My clothes disappeared one by one. Even with a monitoring camera, we could not find who took them away. No one in the monitoring screen! Not only clothes, but also watches disappeared one by one.
Q: Any specific episode in Japan which you cannot forget ?
KHJ: I could not read Japanese at all when I came to Japan for the first time. I misunderstood a medicine for athlete’s foot for tooth paste (laugh) I also took body lotion for a hair rinse. One of the medicines we got from the fans was the one for athlete’s foot which happened to be in the bathroom. That is why I guessed wrong. One of the members (SS501) continued to use that medicine for athlete’s foot as tooth paste, having bleeding from the gum. I thought my gum was strong as it did not happen to me ^^
Jap-Eng: lafone0606
Eng-Thai: HeneciaThailand
Magazine scan: Ahlia
Note: Scroll down for English translation ^^


Q: ความแตกต่างระหว่างเพลง Kiss Kiss เวอร์ชั่นเกาหลีกับญี่ปุ่น
KHJ: เนื้อเพลงสื่อความหมายแบบเดียวกันครับ แต่ควาามแตกต่างอยู่ที่การเรียบเรียงเพลง เวอร์ชั่น
ญี่ปุ่นต้องการให้ฟังง่ายๆ เบาๆ สำหรับแฟนญี่ปุ่น เพราะเมื่อผมมาโปรโมทที่ญี่ปุ่น ผมคิดว่าคงดีถ้าจะทำเพลงที่มีส่วนประกอบที่แฟนเพลงชาวญี่ปุ่นคุ้นเคยบ้าง เช่น เจ ป๊อป
Q: ภาพและคอนเซ็ปต์ของหน้าปกอัลบั้มทั้งสามเวอร์ขั่นให้ความรู้สึกที่แตกต่างไปจากเวอร์ชั่นเกาหลี
KHJ: ผมอยากจะสื่อถึงคอนเซ็ปต์สามแนวคิดที่ต่างกัน อย่าง ความรู้สึกที่นุ่มนวล เซ็กซี่และความมีเสน่ห์ แต่มันค่อนข้างใช้เวลามาก จริงๆ แล้วเรามีเสื้อผ้าที่ถ่ายทั้งหมดเก้าชุดด้วยกัน แต่น่าเสียดายที่ไม่สามารถเอามาโชว์ได้ทั้งหมด ผมอยากจะเอารูปมาโพสต์บนเน็ท (แต่ก็ทำไม่ได้) โดยส่วนตัวแล้วผมชอบคอนเซ็ปต์เซ็กซี่ที่สุดที่เป็นชุดสูทสีแดง เพราะปรกติแล้วผมไม่ค่อยมีโอกาสได้ใส่ชุดสีแดง
Q: Kiss Kiss เป็นเรื่องราวของการได้เจอกับผู้หญิงในฝัน ช่วงนี้คุณได้มีประสบการณ์เจอกับผู้หญิงที่โชคชะตากำหนดมาให้หรือยัง
KHJ: ผมรู้สึกว่าได้เจอแล้วนะครับ ผมมีโอกาสได้พบกับหญิงสาวที่ผมรู้สึกหลงใหลมานานแล้ว รู้สึกแปลกๆ นะครับที่สิ่งนี้เกิดขึ้นกับผม…เธอเป็นคนเกาหลีครับ (จุงพูดเป็นญี่ปุ่นนะคะ)
Q: เพลง “Power of Smile” สื่อถึงความตั้งใจอย่างแรงกล้าในขณะเดียวกันต้องสื่ออารมณ์ที่นุ่มนวลด้วย มีส่วนไหนที่ทำให้คุณรู้สึกเห็นใจมากไหม
KHJ: ผมร้องเพลงนี้และก็คิดถึงแฟนๆ ที่กำลังโศกเศร้า ผมคิดว่าสิ่งที่ผมสามารถมอบให้ได้คือเพลงของผม แม้ว่าจะรู้ว่าเพลงไม่สามารถที่จะทำให้พวกเขาหายเศร้าได้ทั้งหมด แต่ผมก็อยากจะทำอะไรบ้างเพื่อคลายความเศร้าได้
Q: ช่วงนี้เจอเรื่องอะไรแปลกๆ หรือเปล่า
KHJ: เสื้อผ้าของผมหายไปทีละชิ้นสองชิ้น แม้ว่าจะมีกล้องวงจรปิด แต่เราก็หาไม่ได้ว่าใครเป็นคนหยิบไป เพราะในกล้องไม่มีใครเลย! ไม่เพียงแต่เสื้อผ้านะฮะ นาฟิกาของผมก็หายไปทีละเรือน
Q: มีช่วงเวลาตอนไหนในญี่ปุ่นที่คุณไม่สามารถลืมได้ไหม
KHJ: ตอนที่ผมมาญี่ปุ่นครั้งแรก ผมอ่านภาษาญี่ปุ่นไม่ได้เลย ก็เลยเข้าใจผิดจำสับสนระหว่างยาทาแก้น้ำกัดเท้า(ของพวกนักกีฬาใช้กัน เหมือนจุงคงต้องใส่รองเท้าเต้นเป็นเวลานานๆ) กับยาสีฟันอ่ะฮะ (หัวเราะ) ผมยังเอาครีมทาผิวมาใช้สลับกับครีมนวดผมด้วย หนึ่งในยาที่บรรดาแฟนๆ เอามาให้คือยาทาแก้น้ำกัดเท้าซึ่งบังเอิญไปอยู่ในห้องน้ำ ผมถึงได้เข้าใจผิดอ่ะฮะ หนึ่งในสมาชิกวง SS501 ยังคงเอายาทาแก้น้ำกัดเท้มาใช้แทนยาสีฟันอยู่ เขาก็เลยมีเลือดออกที่เหงือก แต่ผมว่าเหงือกของผมคงแข็งแรง ก็เลยไม่เป็นอะไร ^^


Q : What are the difference between KissKiss Korean and Japanese versions ?
KHJ: The lyrics deliver the same message. The difference is a way of mixing. Japanese version is aimed easy and confortable for Japanese people. If I promote myself in Japan, I thought that it would be nice to add factors which they feel familiar with as a J-POP.
Q : The image and concept of the three album jackets gives different impression from
those of Korean versions.
KHJ : I wanted to show three concepts, i.e., tender , sexy, and charisuma. However, it took a considerable time. Actually, there were nine sets (9 pieces of clothes ). It was a pity that I could not show you all of them. If only I could have disclosed those pictures on the net. Personally, I like the best, the sexy look dressed in red. Usually I don’t have a chance to put on something red.
Q : KissKiss is a story of an encounter with the woman of dream. Have you recently met a girl you felt a woman of your destiny ?
KHJ: I feel I had. I had an opportunity to meet with the lady whom I had been having affection for a long time. I feel strange that it happened to me…. It was a Korean girl (he said in Japanese)
Q: “Power of Smile” expresses a very strong determination while being tender. Any points you feel sympathy with this song?
KHJ : When I recorded this song, there occurred many disasters in Japan. While thinking of those fans in their sorrow, I sang this song for them. I thought that what I could deliver to them was my song. I know that a song cannot cheer them up completely, but I just wanted to do something to soothe their sadness.
Q: Any strange happenings you have recently experienced.
KHJ: My clothes disappeared one by one. Even with a monitoring camera, we could not find who took them away. No one in the monitoring screen! Not only clothes, but also watches disappeared one by one.
Q: Any specific episode in Japan which you cannot forget ?
KHJ: I could not read Japanese at all when I came to Japan for the first time. I misunderstood a medicine for athlete’s foot for tooth paste (laugh) I also took body lotion for a hair rinse. One of the medicines we got from the fans was the one for athlete’s foot which happened to be in the bathroom. That is why I guessed wrong. One of the members (SS501) continued to use that medicine for athlete’s foot as tooth paste, having bleeding from the gum. I thought my gum was strong as it did not happen to me ^^
[article] Kim Hyun Jooong Solo VS. Idol Groups
Credit :
By LazerKim: Kim Hyun Joong who is currently in Japan to promote his first Japanese mini album, had received at least eight trophies in 2011, since his come back stage in June. Hyun Joong was awarded by Mnet Asian Music Awards, one of the most prestigious music award as Best Solo Male Artist in 2011. Hyun Joong was well recognized as a solo artist, but come to visit the music billboard chart that time, it seemed that Hyun Joong was the only solo artist who always make it at least to the top five or ten and the rest are all idol groups.
While Hyun Joong is currently in Japan, to debut his first Japanese album, rank no. two at the Oricon Music Daily Chart. Other Kpop idol groups followed, rank below from no. 6 random downward. This would show Hyun Joong can surpass even the other Kpop idol groups overseas. Isn’t that great??
Last year 2011 the nominees from the same category as solo male artists were, Kim Bum Soo, Kim Tae Woo, Sung Si Kyung, Wheesung, Jang Woo Hyuk and Kim Hyun Joong. But where are these guys? I watched the videos of the five contenders of Hyun Joong, to find out what made Hyun Joong won the Best Male Solo Award.
In all fairness, the five artists were all good in different styles, and they do have good voice quality. All of the five were singer dancer, similar to Hyun Joong. But among the six soloist including Hyun Joong, he had the most appealing performance. Judging from the category as singer dancer, even his contenders has better singing voice quality, still Hyun joong outshine the other artists, in terms of performance totality.
What’s missing among the five soloist was showmanship and stage appeal, in which Hyun Joong top them all. Let Hyun Joong stand on that stage without doing anything, he’ll immediately capture the audience. What more if he sings and dance? Hyun joong is not a bad singer as other accused him to be, otherwise he wouldn’t be nominated by a prestigious music award to begin with, right?
And what about the other SS501 members, they have the exact category as Hyun Joong? He was the fourth to release their first album but unfortunately, none of them was able to make it to the music chart. Hyun Joong did not even compete with them by releasing his album at the same time, in fact he delayed it for a month until everyone had released their album. Nevertheless, the membes were swept away by leader.
I watched one video which appeared to be a showdown between 2PM a group, TVXQ a duet and Hyun Joong a soloist. Watching this showdown I think is even competitive. Although Hyun Joong still outshines 2PM and TVXQ during that showdown and the group knows it very well.
At the awards ceremony at MAMA, if you recall the event, it was only Hyun Joong who performed solo, others were Super Junior, Girl’s Generation, 2ne1 ect. He was never been left out by other idol groups, even he’s not in their category. In short, Hyun Joong has the ability to compete with the idol groups. It’s like soloist against five to ten singers!! Hyun Joong is a very competitive artist that can not be disregarded.
I still couldn’t forget the look in Hyun joong’s face when he first launch the album Breakdown on 7th of June last year, when he read his letter to his fans. He was overwhelmed with worries and fear for being by himself to perform in a huge stage with 4,000 people all eyes on him before facing the Music Bank for the count down with a much larger audience on TV all over the world.
But he made it, even gained more from what he was hoping. That time all he ever hoped for was acceptance from his fans. At the Music Bank back stage, as soon as Hyun Joong was done with his first TV performance, a reporter approached him for interview and was asked how he felt about his come back stage. Hyun Joong stated, “It was hard, it was tiring, but I hope my fans would see my manly side, I don’t know if they will like it”. My God, he was literally catching his breath after dancing, and all he had in mind was his fans. I was truly touched by his statement.
During that season countdown, his contender were all in a group, but he bravely faced the challenge, and made it to the top. He gained high respect from his co artists because he remained as modest as he can. Seeing from the videos, he even bowed at his junior idol groups and treated them his equal, not a single sign of arrogance was seen in him and that is why everyone liked Hyun Joong.
Now that Hyun Joong had built his self confidence, knowing we, as his fans would always stay beside him to be there for him, he’s prepared to face any contender, be it a soloist like him or a group idol. Hyun Joong will always bring the best in him as consistent as he always does in his every performance.
I’m very proud to be Kim Hyun Joong’s fan…… Aren’t you??? LazerKim here writing
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